The Full Story
Energetic Calendar
Supercharge your life through aligning with Universal Energies.
It is EASY with the FREE 2022 Energetic Calendar.

Energy Awareness is power
There is a dynamic and loving, energetic force that influences your daily life. One that can help you create harmony, inner peace, and supercharge your manifestations.
Being aware of powerful energetic opportunities, such as the Full Moon, New Moon, Eclipses, Solstice, Equinox, and Mercury Retrogrades allow you to avoid stress and create the life you want with
ease and intentionality.
Who is this for?
Have you ever been caught off guard by the intensity of the Full Moon?
Disappointed because you missed the opportunity for New Moon manifestation work, because you didn't know when it was?
Stressed because you were surprised by the intense challenges of Mercury Retrograde?
Want to know the Astrological signs of the New Moon, Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde, and Eclipses and more so that you can determine how these energies will impact your personal astrological chart?
The FREE 2022 Energetic Calendar takes all the time and stress out of researching and keeping track of 2022's important energetic events and adds these events directly to your digital calendar!
Compatible with these digital calendars: Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook,, Yahoo
The FREE Version Includes:
Mercury Retrograde dates for 2022
The dates of the New Moon and Full Moon from December 2021 - December 2022.
The exact times of the New Moon and Full moon in EST/Central/MST/Arizona-MST/PST
The astrological signs of each New Moon and Full Moon (so you can review how your personal astrological chart may be impacted)
The Eclipses and their astrological signs
The Spring & Fall Equinox dates
The Summer & Winter Solstice dates
The best night for your Full Moon and New Moon rituals