Fall Bucket List for Energy Sensitive People

I am feeling such an enthusiasm for Fall this year! I can hardly wait for pumpkin, apples, and crisp Fall air.
I really want to make the most of this beautiful season, so I decided to make a bucket list for energy sensitive people. One could consider this a spiritual Fall bucket list, a how-to for living in harmony with the season. :) When we are in harmony with our natural cycles and the natural cycles of nature, the abundance and peace that flows into our lives is limitless! I included ideas for families or couples too!

1. Aromatherapy or simmering blends for the stove
Great fall essential oils: ginger, cinnamon, clove, rosemary, cedarwood, sage, balsam fir needle, eucalyptus, patchouli, warming vanilla
(Research contraindications, etc. if you are unfamiliar with essential oils)
2. Buy organic vegetables (must be organic, so they are not hybrids) and save seeds of delicious seasonal produce for next year's planting season.
3. Make your own soup bowl pottery
4. Cool Fall morning meditation: take a steaming mug of coffee or tea outside on a cool morning - watch the steam curl up
5. The energy of each season is so different! Rearrange furniture, change colors, or create new arrangements to honor this new flow of energy.
6. Pour some beeswax candles
7. Have a cozy power out day and take an EMF break! Disable all electronics, turn out lights for a day of candlelight fun and cozying up with a good book or project.
8. Paint a prayer or blessing for your home. Frame and hang near the front door.
9. Try a new fresh tea! Consult an herbalist or tea aficionado and create something just for you

10. pick an arrangement of wildflowers or natural items
11. Fall is the time of savory herbs and nutrition packed butternut or acorn squashes, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes. Research healing soups and nutritional recipes - Bonus: Can some healing soups or cook over an open fire

12. Take an inventory of your life now, what can you simplify? What items can be given away? Do it!
13. Open the windows and let the crisp, cool air in
14. Look up Autumn guided meditations
15. Rake up a giant pile of leaves ~ jump in! Make a mess, throw the leaves in the air!
16. Create a wreath or new decor at your entrance way - intentionally reflecting on how this represents the Energy you welcome into your home.
17. Find a swing ~ there is something magical about swinging in the fall
18: For families: Create a Blessing Tree -
Find a blank wall or large area. create a tree trunk and branches and tape to the wall. Collect beautiful fall leaves from your favorite trees or simply with gorgeous colors. Use a paint pen for each person to write what they are grateful for (one item per leaf). Leave the tree up and add leaves all fall. A great talking point for thanksgiving.
19. Warm soaking baths for feet and Epsom salt baths for muscles
20. Get a natural lotion - apply often to hands and feet - do some acupressure while applying. Bonus: make it yourself!
21. Listen to the sounds of fall - notice the changes in the natural symphony
22. Build birdhouses and feeders to help our feathered friends prepare for winter.
23. Natural Hot Chocolate recipe - this Ayurvedic recipe was passed on from my son's yoga teacher. It is my favorite Cocoa recipe
Jen's Hot Cocoa with Cinnamon:
2 cups Almond Milk
2-3 Tbls. dark cocoa powder
4-6 Tbls. sugar (or agave syrup)
1/8-1/4 tsp. cinnamon
24. Look up Autumn poetry
25. Walking Meditation on crunchy leaves
26. I found this awesome article and really want to incorporate some of the thought provoking questions into a journal entry ..my favorite:
"What have you achieved this year? What do you consider to be your own personal harvest?" Read the article here: yogaseasonal.weebly.com/autumn-meditation-questions.html
27. Family activity: Creating and coloring Seasonal Mandalas - use nature materials or coloring implements. Create and hang them as decorations around the home.
28. Photography Challenge: (I'm thinking we may present these to each other on Thanksgiving) Theme - Capture the wonder and miracle of Fall
Bonus - Reflection: What is the message behind this picture? Why did this resonate? What is the message the natural world is sharing with you?
29. Make a special Fall soap (or go to the farmer's market and smell all their blends)
30. Prepare tinctures for winter, make flavored oils for cooking or flavored honeys.
31. Bring Nature in! As more time is beginning to be spent indoors - prepare the home with elements of the natural world - last minute terrariums, special stones, indoor plants. Now is the time to prepare your home, so you can feel the natural connection during winter time.
32. Make a gratitude journal Bonus - Make your own paper!
33. Learn gratitude mantras
34. Plant a Fall garden
35. Create prayer flags for the Fall breeze to carry blessings
36. Try come new smoothie recipes in Fall Flavors, using seasonal items and flavors - think chais, cranberries, I have a yummy raw smoothie recipe that tastes like carrot cake.
37. Try three new Raw food Seasonal recipes
That sums up my Fall bucket list - let's collaborate! What ideas are on your Fall bucket list? Share in the comments - I'm ready for some inspiration!