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Learning to Receive (14)

Learning how to receive

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It is hard to be in the flow of Universal blessings when you aren't allowing yourself to receive. Feeling uncomfortable when someone compliments you, or hating being the center of attention, or having trouble asking others for help are all connected with difficulty receiving. The good news is you are not alone! So, on today's spiritual podcast episode, we will address some of the reasons why it's so difficult to allow ourselves to receive and we'll offer you 2 mindset shifts to help you expand your capacity for receptivity, get back in the flow with the Universe, and avoid burnout.

In this episode of Modern Life and Spirit podcast we discuss:

* Examples of difficulty receiving (2:50)

* Why one common phrase that is repeated over and over can have destructive results in our receptivity consciousness. (3:55)

* How instagram feeds illusion. (5:22)

* How you can be compassionate without taking on other people's pain. (5:45)

* How giving can be a form of control. (8:16)

* How energy is balanced. (9:48)

* How previous relationship experiences may unknowingly reduce your ability to trust. (11:18)

* The CRITICAL criteria you need to account for when asking for help to ensure you don't unconsciously sabotoge your new outlook. (13:18)

* A funny example to help you see asking for help in a different light. (14:58)

* How feminine energy and the sacral chakra are the centers that empower receptivity. (16:49)

* Mindset shifts to expand your capacity to receive. (17:59)

* How does perfectionism, fear of losing control, type A, and hypervigilence tie in? (19:24)

* The signals that you are sending out to the Universe and your ability to receive. (22:48)

* Mindset #2 to expand your capacity to receive. (22:33)

* Getting out of deprivation mode. (24:27)

* Implementing Mindset #2 through simple changes. (25:08 and 25:51)

* Valuing ease and grace. (26:32)

* When you are resistant to receiving how it impacts your intuition. (29:07)

* Respect and receiving. (29:51)

*Helping others learn to receive. (30:44)


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