What to expect after the Reiki Master Attunement

This past week, I have been teaching a private Reiki Master class, in Sedona. This is an excerpt from the introduction of my Master manual that explains briefly about the results of a Master attunement~
The Reiki Master class is a transformative rite of passage, that brings with it a deeper unity consciousness with the Reiki energy. Reiki Master class calls forward something within us that desires to serve and contribute to the transformation of ourselves and the world around us.
About the Reiki Master attunement
In Reiki I & II people often note detox symptoms that usually fall into the realms of physical and emotional healing, as well as facilitating a deeper spiritual awareness or connection. Detox symptoms generally lasted for 1-3 weeks.
Reiki Master attunement detox is transformative on an entirely different level of our energetic system. This healing supports living our life purpose and realigning to the path that will allow the greatest healing for ourselves. Rather than the physical-emotional detox symptoms experienced in Reiki level I or II, Reiki Master detox is a life detox. It so powerfully transforms and heals our energy system, that many of the old tools we have used - careers, relationships, interests, living environments, etc. may change naturally, as we no longer carry the need for them in our energy.
If you were to keep a journal of the next year, you will find that your life circumstances and way of viewing life is drastically changed for the better. This change for some, will alter the course of their lives and for others indicate a time period where the focus of the Universe appears or feels more directly aimed at their growth and transformation.
As changes come, let them come and go with peace and continue daily Reiki self-treatments as often as possible. Know that any changes this may offer, are always guided by the loving force of Reiki, Source, and our Higher Self.
Just as Reiki can do no harm, know that the Reiki attunement follows these same principles...
*All is for the Highest good.
*Reiki can never do harm.
*Reiki is spiritually guided by the Divine Consciousness.
*Reiki healing flows in the exact, perfect vibration for YOU.
I have written a blessing for my Reiki Master students, which demonstrates my sincere wish for you as you undertake these new energies and gifts from the source of Reiki.
May you know your true self as infinite, unconditional love.
May you walk on this Earth as a beacon of the greatest blessings that come from choosing a path of healing.
Many Blessings,
Christina Wooten, Certified Reiki Master-Teacher