Tips for attending your first Spirit Message Service
If you have never attended a Spirit Message service, the whole experience may seem a little foreign at first. The good news is, you will pick it up easily!
A Spirit Message Service is offered at Spiritualist Churches or by other Mediums that wish to offer gallery style readings. These are usually offered by love donation or at a reduced cost. A Message Service is a specific terminology that generally implies that the Medium is offering this service as a way to offer themselves to be helpful to Spirit and those in need. Acting in Service is an important part of Spiritualist religious practices and giving back.
Depending on the type of Spirit Message Service you may have one Medium "serving Spirit" that day or several Mediums.
Typically at the beginning of the event, the Organizer will make some opening remarks. In the case of a Spirit Message Service with multiple Mediums the Organizer is also responsible for calling the Mediums up and keeping track of the time.
The Mediums will get up, introduce themselves, and then take a moment to connect with Spirit. They will then call upon an individual in the audience that they feel guided to give a message to and say, "May I come into your vibration?" This means, "May I give you a message?"
If you welcome a message (which is presumably why you are there) then smile, speak up, and say "YES!"
This brings us the best tips for attending a Spirit Message Service:

1. Speak up! This gives the Medium the vibration of your voice, which can be helpful in creating a clearer connection. This also gives a strong signal to Spirit that you would definitely like to hear from them! If you shy away or give mixed signals, Spirit may interpret that you are uncomfortable and close down your message prematurely. For best results, be loud, be clear, and say YES!
2. Be open. You may or may not receive a message during a message service. Many factors can influence the number of messages given ~ the number of people in the audience, the number of Mediums serving, and the time allowed. Know that Spirit is aware of those in attendance and helps prioritize the message.
3. Receiving messages in a public forum and receiving information in a reading is different. Readings are more specific and detailed and go further into a situation than a message will allow. Think of Messages as hitting the highlights of a situation or circumstance. Also note that Spirit doesn't want to embarrass you or broadcast your very personal situations to the larger audience. In order to pass a message about a subject that Spirit deems sensitive, Spirit may use specific language to help you to understand what they are talking about without being too overt.
4. When your Medium gives you a message, make sure you are clear if you understand what they are talking about. Once you can place something, the Medium can move onto a new message. Use that voice vibration to confirm if you understand something.
5. Some people bring pencil/pen and paper to record notes about the message. This is a good idea. If you are going with more than one person, you may decide to make an agreement with them that if they get a message, you will take notes and vice versa. It is always nice to see people working to help each other.
6. Unless you are invited, do not record audio, video, or take flash photography. Public forums are no place for recording devices. Many mediums will allow you to record readings with them, but public demonstrations are a no-no. This is because not all in attendance will feel comfortable with their private messages and their reactions being made public.
7. Do not walk between the Medium and the person they are giving a message to. This disrupts energy flow and may interrupt the message. Be considerate, as you would wish others to be for you.
8. Be respectful. For many, a Spirit Message Service is similar to a religious service. Be considerate.
9. Loosen up and Have fun! Spirit Communication is so much fun to watch and appreciate. Let go of any expectations and enjoy the journey.
. Even if you don't get a message in a message service, know that your guides are there with you and appreciating you making yourself available for communication! There are many factors in why you would not get a message (usually timing, privacy, or other reasons), but none of these reasons are because your Guides or Loved Ones in Spirit do not want to talk with you!
Christina Wooten is a Certified Psychic Medium who teaches Mediumship development, intuitive development, and provides in-person or phone readings, from Sedona, AZ.