5 Calming Journal Prompts to Comfort you in Dark Times #142

When you are "deep in it," it can be hard to remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel; That "this too shall pass."
But finding a way to express, and not repress all of the deep feelings roiling inside can be hard, if not seemingly impossible, especially when everything seems in flux.
This is where having a process, such as journaling, that opens you up to relieve the pressure you are feeling, can have a huge impact on your coping and healing journey.
On this episode get 5 calming journaling prompts to help you ease your way back to the light - when it is time for you to do so - and inject a little lightness and love to help guide you along the path.
5 Calming Journal Prompts for Dark Times
Free Gift to support you in creating a calming and peaceful space for deepening awareness and growth:
Get through hard times with a gentle, reflective self care practice
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About Christina Wooten:

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.
She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
To learn more about her offerings, click here
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About Robert Wooten:
Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here
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