What your Aura Color Says about You #63

As an important part of your energy body, it is important to understand how your Aura represents your state of being in the moment, both physically and emotionally. The best way to begin, is to understand what the various colors of the aura mean and how your primary auric color can tell you a lot about how you are interacting with the world and people around you. On this information-packed episode, we break down the relationship between the chakras and the colors of the aura, and how you can use this knowledge to know which energy vibration is prominent in your life today, this week, or this year.
In this episode of Modern Life and Spirit Podcast, we discuss:
*What is the Auric Field and what does it do? 1:23
*How your aura reflects which type of energy you are using 3:18
*How other people’s auric field can interact and influence yours 5:19
*What does it mean to have a dominant or primary auric color? 6:12
*A quick and easy way to find out what your primary auric color is 9:24
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Red 15:27
* What it means if your dominant color is Orange 17:42
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Yellow 19:29
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Green 21:22
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Pink 23:07
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Blue 24:15
*What it means if your dominant aura color is Indigo/Violet 25:47
*What it means if your dominant aura color is White 28:03
*What the halo around spiritual beings in paintings represents 29:20
*The energetic relationship between the Chakras and the Aura 30:33
*How knowing what your primary auric color is can help your growth 31:13
